Mezilaurus Itauba
General Characteristics: Heavy wood, hard and few difficult to saw (stiletted saws recommended) but easy to smooth, it produces excellent finishing. It has medium and uniform texture and it carries high mechanical resistance and extreme durability. When recently beneficiated, its sift presents olive-yellowish, becoming dark chestnut color with the time. It has uniform color and irregular lustrous and flat surface to the touch. Its smell is lightly sweetened and pleasant, almost imperceptible in the wood recently beneficiated, disappearing in little time.
Natural Durability: Itaúba wood, according to practical observations, is considered of very low resistance to the attack of xylophages organisms.
Preservation Treatment: Itaúba wood, with pores obstructed by oil-resin and tylos, when under pressure treatments, should present very low permeability to preservation solutions.
Density: Heavy wood, with density at 15% moisture content of 960 kg/m3.
Main Uses: Itaúba wood, because of being very heavy, of low retractability in relation to density, high mechanical resistance and very high durability, is indicated for external constructions, as structures of bridges, sleepers, posts, crosspieces; in civil construction, as beams, light frames, parquets and floorboards, sills for doors and windows; construction of vehicles and agricultural implements; naval construction, embarkations; production of shaped pieces, pieces of furniture, etc.